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Inner Cheek Biting

Inner Cheek Biting: Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

Have you ever bit your inner cheek by accident? It's a frequent event that may cause annoyance and discomfort. We'll look at the causes, signs, and workable remedies in this blog post to help you control and avoid inner cheek biting.

Biting of the inner cheek

An oral behaviour that involves biting or chewing on the inside of the cheek is called inner cheek biting, sometimes referred to as cheek biting or cheek chewing. It may cause annoyance, discomfort, or even harm. It can happen consciously or unconsciously can be brought on by a number of things, such as stress, anxiety, or just an ingrained reaction to boredom or anxiety.

Inner Cheek Biting Symptoms

Sensitivity or pain in the inner cheek region
tissue enlargement or inflammation of the cheeks
development of ulcers or sores inside the cheek
eating, speaking, or opening mouth completely difficult
Chronic discomfort results from cheek biting incidents that recur.

Inner Cheek Biting Causes

Anxiety and stress: The development of cheek biting practices might be attributed to emotional causes.

Malocclusion, or misaligned bite: Inadequate alignment of the jaw or teeth might raise the possibility of inadvertent cheek biting.

Nutritional deficiencies: Iron and vitamin B12 deficiency, for example, can cause cheek biting and oral sensitivity.

Oral habits: Prolonged lip-chewing or nail-biting can lead to cheek biting.

Bruxism: People who grind their teeth as they sleep may unintentionally bite their cheeks.

Inner cheek biting's effects

Internal cheek biting can affect oral health in a number of ways. At the bite location, there may be pain, swelling, and bleeding as a direct result. Furthermore, frequent cheek biting can cause persistent irritation, which can lead to the development of oral sores or ulcers.

Persistent cheek biting can occasionally result in scars and altered inner cheek texture. It is advised that you consult a dentist or other healthcare professional for guidance on possible treatments if the issue continues or gets worse.

How Can Cheek Biting Be Prevented?

Here are some strategies to control and avoid inner cheek biting:

Techniques for managing stress
Incorporate relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine to assist lower anxiety levels that could lead to cheek biting.

Awareness of oral hygiene
To keep your mouth healthy, practise good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing on a regular basis. This can lessen the risk of infections and the occurrence of sores or ulcers from biting one's cheek.

Using dental appliances or mouthguards
To stop unintentional cheek biting, especially while you're sleeping or under a lot of stress, think about getting a mouth guard or dental device made specifically for that purpose.

Determine triggers
Keep an eye out for circumstances or behaviours, such as boredom, tension, or worry, that can cause cheek biting. You can lessen the chance of biting your inner cheeks by proactively addressing these triggers once you've identified them.

Chew on other things.
Try chewing on sugar-free gum or crunchy veggies as an alternative to bite your cheeks if you find yourself doing so out of habit.

Speak with a medical expert
Try these suggestions, and if you still find that you bite your cheeks, think about consulting a dentist or other medical professional. They can offer more advice and suggest particular methods or therapies to assist you in successfully controlling and avoiding this habit.

Natural Solutions for Inner-Cheek Biting

There are ways to get rid of the inner cheek biting habit. Let's look at some natural ways to quit biting your cheek.

Use warm, salted water to rinse your mouth.

In addition to its inherent ability to disinfect, salt water can assist lessen inflammation in the affected area. How to rinse with saltwater:
Half a teaspoon of salt should dissolve in a glass of warm water.
For thirty to sixty seconds, swish the solution about your mouth, paying particular attention to the areas where you bit your cheek.
Repeat the process every day, especially after meals, and spit out the solution.

Apply a tiny bit of honey or aloe vera gel.

Honey and aloe vera gel are well known for their restorative and calming qualities. Put a tiny bit of either material straight onto the inner cheek region that is afflicted. Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, aloe vera can aid in healing and the reduction of swelling. On the other hand, honey's inherent antibacterial qualities help ward against infection and hasten the healing process. Reapply a small coating of honey or aloe vera gel as needed, up to many times a day.

Apply benzocaine-containing over-the-counter oral gels or creams.

A topical anaesthetic called benzocaine can momentarily ease the discomfort brought on by cheek biting. The active ingredient in a number of over-the-counter oral gels and lotions is benzocaine. For correct application, adhere to the directions on the product packaging. To prevent any possible negative effects, it's imperative to adhere to the suggested dosage or usage frequency.

Avert acidic, hard, or spicy foods.
Some meals have the potential to aggravate the inner cheek tissue, which is already delicate, and make cheek biting even more uncomfortable. Hard, crunchy snacks and meals high in acidity or spice can aggravate an open wound and slow its healing process. Until the cheek bite heals, stick to a soft diet of mild, easily digested foods like yoghurt, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and cooked vegetables.

Remain hydrated.
In order to support healing and preserve general oral health, one must consume enough water. Drinking enough water keeps the lips moist and stops the inner cheek tissue from becoming more irritated. In addition to drinking lots of water throughout the day, try to stay away from alcoholic and caffeinated drinks as these can dehydrate the body.

After inadvertently biting your inside cheek, you can ease discomfort and accelerate healing by implementing these natural remedies into your daily routine.

In summary

Inner cheek biting can be an uncomfortable habit that has an impact on your general health and dental hygiene. You may control and avoid cheek biting episodes by being aware of the origins, symptoms, and practical solutions covered in this blog post. In order to receive individualised treatment recommendations for recurrent or severe cheek biting disorders, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare provider or dentist. You may reduce the negative effects of inner cheek biting on your day-to-day activities and encourage a healthier mouth by implementing stress management strategies, effective oral hygiene practices, and healthy behaviours.

Inner Cheek Biting

Inner Cheek Biting


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